As I reflect on my life in this time of Lent, I can’t help but notice how God is looking out for me in the most spectacular life affirming ways! For the first time in my life, the moon and stars are in full alignment. On August 14th, I stopped waiting tables after a 25 year stint. Today, after only 6 months, I am nearly finished with my first research proposal on bee nutrition and almond pollination and I am being trained to oversee the production of biodynamic vegetables at Marian Farms in Fresno! I just seeded 3000 plants this morning! I am engaged to the woman of my dreams, my children are healthy and happy. My car is a long time paid off, and I own 7 dogs with 8 personalities. All this, and I still gave up meat and ice cream. God blessed my life, and I am as happy as a 50/50 Irish/Lithuanian can be, which if you know our kind, is saying a lot.