T & A Almond Pollination
“Your nuts will love our T & A bees!”
Adam has worked in the world of commercial beekeeping for the last 3 years, where he gained valuable skills in almond pollination contract logistics. As a bee researcher at UC Riverside he has continued to contribute to the fight for pollinator health. He knows healthy bees! If you want an honest bridge from beekeeper to grower, look no further!
- Currently run research apiary at world famous UC Riverside Center for Integrative Bee Research
- Over 3 years experience managing a mid-sized migratory beekeeping operation in CA, MS, and ND.
- writing pollination contracts, bee hauling, hive inspections, and hive health
- Licensed PCA
- MS Plant Science (Fresno State)
- Thesis was on honeybee nutrition before and during almond pollination
Services offered
Contract fee
The brokerage fee is based on a percentage of the Pollination Fee. The Fee includes, but is not limited to marketing and sales of your hives, preliminary assessment, county registration assistance, identifying, negotiating and contracting directly with grower, providing payment, assistance at CDFA Inspection Stations. Please contact us today to discuss details.
Frequently asked questions
- What is included in a contract? Our contracts are customized as per the specific needs of our clients. Contract prices are ‘per qualified hive’ unless otherwise agreed upon. Our prices are competitive but may change depending on supply and demand cycle. Please consult a Pollination Connection member to help you understand your contract details.
- How Do I get paid as a Beekeeper? Once payment has been made to the broker, an initial payment is made to the beekeeper after placement of hives into the orchards. The remaining balance will be paid after the hives are removed from the orchards and after the payment has been made to the broker.
- What paperwork do I need to complete if I am an out of state beekeeper? For out-of-state beekeepers that don’t pay California taxes and have not sent us Form 588 (or a similar form) we are required to with hold 7% of your California pollination income and send it to Sacramento.Refer to CA Tax Reminder for Out-of-State Beekeepers Nonresident Witholding Waiver Request (CA Form 588)Save yourself time, money and hassle by filling out the necessary forms or by filing CA tax forms. For more information check the CA Franchise Tax Board website at ftb.ca.gov or call them at (888) 792-4900 or (800) 852-5211.
- How is the pollination process planned? As the contract time frames vary, we encourage our clients to consult with Adam at T & A Farms to make sure we have a good supply of healthy quality hives.
When do I start preparing my bees? September is the time to prepare your bees for the pollination season. Make sure you use the proper methods in order to ensure the longevity of your hives.
- How do I identify my bees? We insist you to make sure that all of your hives are branded, labeled or have some distinguishing information to identify that you are the owner of the hives.
- How will my bees be placed in orchards? Maps of hive placements will be provided to beekeepers and the orchards will also be tagged to assist you in this process. We will tour the orchards with you prior to placement to make the process easier.
- Do I need to get Pre-certification Recommendation? If your bees are being transported from out of state, we strongly recommend you have your bees inspected by your county or state apiary inspector.